

Strategic objectives

  • Implement a sustainable marketing action that highlights the new positioning of the brand, increasingly committed to sustainable behaviors and processes and a virtuous supply chain.
  • Accomplish an operation that could concretely explain the value of the brand and be described effectively.

Operation phases

  • Assessment: analysis of positioning and communication activities.
  • Creation of a series of conceptual proposals in line with the objectives.
  • Choice and definition of the educational project for schools, “Journey to the Land of Sustainability”.
  • Preparation of teaching material and engagement of approximately 300 teachers and classes of the 3rd year of lower middle school and 1st year of upper middle school.
  • Teaching activity from October 2021 to March 2022.
  • Creation by the classes of a final multimedia project – the panel of judges selects 2 overall winners (one for the lower middle school and one for the upper middle school) and 18 other classes deserving an award.
  • The 2 overall winning classes took an experiential trip to the Loacker headquarters in Alto Adige where the milk is produced and visited the Loacker pastry shop.
  • The other 18 classes won an experiential trip to the local Slow Food presidium: a day in contact with nature, an experience with agriculture that respects biodiversity.
  • Through a social media contest, another class was rewarded with a trip to the Loacker headquarters.


300 classes worked on the theme of the sustainable supply chain from an environmental and social point of view.
The approximately 6,000 families of the children involved in the project were in turn made aware of the proposed topic.
A much wider audience of children and families came into contact with the project thanks to social media.
Involvement of Slow Food, recognized as one of the most authoritative players when it comes to sustainable, ethical and biodiversity-conscious agriculture.

The operation was welcomed with great interest and participation by the school world and only due to organizational reasons, the participation had to be limited to 300 classes. The Loacker brand has thus become the promoter of a cultural growth operation for the citizens of tomorrow, in line with the Company values.

Global Goals

Project Details

  • Name :
  • Location :
  • Web :


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