The Founder

A long love story for the Planet

Sustenia was born thanks to an intuition of Filippo Sciacca who, after having worked for a long time in the strategic marketing of large multinational companies such as Henkel and Ferrero, chose in 2001 to dedicate his professional life to sustainable development, when it was called “fight against inequalities”: today it still is a central theme of the Global Goals (see in particular objective 10).

In 2002 he founded the “Sustainable marketing” agency Comart and was called by Valentino Parlato to “Il Manifesto” to deal with strategic marketing. From there he began his journey in the Third Sector and came into contact with Carlo Petrini from Slow Food, with Peace Reporter, Nidil, Emergency. A cultural enrichment that laid the foundations for his next step in the sustainability sector.

In 2010 he conceived the Socio-Territorial Marketing (MST) model which creates sustainable local actions, anticipating a current need of today: brands must adopt sustainable strategies to be attentive to the social and environmental impact of their products and services and increase their reputation. The MST model has been adopted among others by Bolton, Rovagnati, Loacker, L’Oréal, Caffè Borbone, Sammontana, Lancaster.

With Sustenia , Filippo Sciacca completed his journey towards sustainable development: the agency in fact expands its skills in sustainability thanks to the contribution of experts in innovation, technological development, corporate reputation and communication.


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