Vision & Mission


Our value references are the economic theory of Shared Value by Michael Porter and the Civil Economy of the Italian Enlightenment, taken up and updated by Stefano Zamagni over the last twenty years: “creating economic value for the company and its shareholders through the production of a benefit for society and the environment”.


Today more than ever, our mission is to guide every company along a personalized and effective sustainable development path, through strategic and operational support which guarantees the future and enhances the Corporate Reputation.

We are what we do

All our activities generate a positive impact in economic, environmental and social terms: not only the sustainable development paths for client companies, which we develop following the guidelines of the UN Global Goals 2030 and the objectives of the Next Generation EU 2050, but also what we do every day in our agency:

  • on the environmental side: sustainable mobility through the use of car sharing, bicycles and public transport for traveling in town; reduction of Co2 emissions thanks to smart-working agreed with collaborators; energy supply from renewable sources both for the headquarter and for the high-efficiency servers managed remotely; plastic-free policy in the office, with the use of filtered water to eliminate plastic bottles; sharing and digital archiving of documents, presentations and emails; minimal use of the printer with FSC or Ecolabel recycled paper;
  • in the social sphere: work life balance through the possibility of smart working for all collaborators; continuous and constant training through in-depth workshops; public commitment to responsible communication; tutoring for students and young people, with seminars and cultural contamination projects at the NABA in Milan and at the University of Parma.

You can find here our Code of Conduct.


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