

Strategic objectives

  • Position the company as a leader in the sustainable development path, within its market.
  • Activate virtuous internal production processes from the point of view of reducing impacts, also creating economic advantage.

Operation phases

  • Assessment: Internal analysis of both implemented and planned operations, and medium-long term objectives.
  • Formulation of the Manifesto of Intent (document with which the Company declares its commitments to sustainability) and development of the Strategic Plan.
  • Creation of the Rovagnati Responsible Quality Project (in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo).
  • Education and internal alignment.
  • Launch of more natural products reducing chemical preservatives – “Naturals” line – especially for foreign markets.
  • Activation of animal welfare processes to be in line with European breeding directives; 1st Italian-owned certified breeding chain.
  • Marketing: dedicated website Rovagnati Responsible Quality.
  • Socio-territorial activities and collaboration with Banco Alimentare non profit foundation.



Improvement of all production processes in terms of lesser impacts (energy – use of water)
Less plastic in the final product packaging
Less plastic for internal productive uses


Improved corporate reputation
Greater penetration on foreign markets

By activating this process, Rovagnati has achieved both internal and external objectives. Internally, the social responsibility values ​​already present in the company but not yet systematized, were implemented. The Company has positioned itself as a responsible and sustainable player in a market that has become very sensitive over time.

Global Goals

Project Details

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