

Strategic objectives

  • Identify a socio-territorial marketing activity that would support the process of zeroing the carbon footprint undertaken by Sammontana, to compensate for the use of plastic for the packaging of its products (intervening in parallel at 50% on the processes and 50% in compensatory mode).

Operation phases

  • Setting of the #spiaggepulite (clean beaches) operation, the beach being an ideal place to taste industrial ice-cream.
  • Identification of Legambiente as partner in the operation, to select the beaches most in need of cleaning in the different regions.
  • Dynamics of consumer engagement, invited to vote on social media to choose the beach they wanted to receive the cleaning intervention, and flash mobs involving consumers in the cleaning.
  • Together with 2000 Legambiente volunteers, also 100 Sammontana employees and as many as 3000 Facebook users were involved in the cleaning flash mobs.
  • Social amplification of the cleaning actions and results, with the clean beaches ready to be enjoyed again by local communities.


3.5 million views on Facebook with 253,000 interactions and almost 89,000 votes, over 10 days of the campaign.
Increase in brand reputation for Sammontana, committed to sustainability actions that proved to be engaging and concrete for consumers.

Through this operation, Sammontana has highlighted its commitment to reducing impacts in a credible and tangible way.

Global Goals

Project Details

  • Name :
  • Location :
  • Web :


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