In 6 steps, here’s how we define the most suitable path for your company:
It is the initial phase of the process, in which we analyze the status of the company, its objectives in terms of sustainable development and their consistency with the business plan, the environmental and social impacts of the company, the actions and processes implemented. This is an essential study and comparison phase to outline a long-term plan of sustainability commitments and objectives which must also generate economic value.
Stakeholder Engagement
Listening to stakeholders inside and outside the company is also a necessary step in defining a sustainable development strategy: listening to one’s stakeholders means understanding how the company is perceived, their issues and expectations, and lay solid foundations to develop a shared and effective strategy.
Manifesto of Intent
The third phase consists in drafting an institutional document in which the company officially communicates its sustainability commitments to its stakeholders. The Manifesto of Intent has the triple function of: definition of the long term strategic direction of the company; clarity and transparency towards stakeholders on the sustainable development goals; basis for communication in all its channels and formats.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan defines the strategy, priorities and actions necessary to achieve the objectives and define their road map. Sustenia also supports companies in building their Plan and takes care of finding the most effective technical partners for the various activities, such as the Analysis of production processes, Energy savings, Life Cycle Assessment, R&D Support, Sustainability Report, Certifications.
Cultural contamination and Monitoring
To be effective, a Strategic Plan must be shared at all company levels. For this reason, we suggest organizing workshops with top and middle management to make values, objectives and commitments be understood and to receive feedback with useful suggestions for the final draft. We also recommend creating an internal Green Team that coordinates and monitors the progress of the actions planned and undertaken.
Communication plan
The commercial success of a company also depends on its awareness and reputation: a good Sustainable Development Path helps to strengthen both. Sustenia, with the collaboration of its communication partners, is able to build a creative and effective storytelling and use it on the most suitable channels for the company targets.

Sustainable Development Paths
After defining the strategy, we identify the areas of intervention most consistent with your path and objectives:
Innovation and Research & Development
In a sustainable development strategy, the real turning point comes from innovation, which allows a leap forward in achieving the goals of impact reduction. As a matter of fact, the development of process and product innovations can raise the competitiveness potential of every company. Sustenia supports its clients in the R&D field independently and with the scientific assistance of the best skills for each different project: Scuola Superiore S. Anna of Pisa, Polytechnic of Milan, Bicocca University of Milan, University of Perugia, start-ups focused on sustainable development and research institutions.
Circular economy
The circular economy is an economic system planned to reuse materials in subsequent production cycles, reducing waste to a minimum already in the design phase. Its advantages are: reduction of raw material input and energy consumption, minimization of waste and integration of industrial symbiosis processes within one’s business. All of this also translates into clear economic advantages for the company and for the Country as a whole. Sustenia supports companies in the implementation of a dedicated circular economy process.
Energy management
Energy is a strategic sustainability asset, a competitive and resilience factor. Energy management refers to the process of monitoring, controlling and conserving energy within an organization, which allows us to identify routine waste, understand how to save energy and make the production process more efficient. Sustenia promotes an intelligent and more sustainable energy future, following companies through paths that lead to the self-production of energy through photovoltaic systems, cogeneration and trigeneration plants and the development of energy communities in the territories in which the companies operate.
Communication plan
If communication is fundamental for the business development, it is even more so in the journey towards sustainability. The communication plan is built according to targets and objectives: the story and dissemination of one’s project, the commitments and results obtained; the involvement of customers, consumers and communities; the growth of corporate reputation. A good Plan allows to plan, manage and monitor the strategies and actions conceived to achieve specific objectives.
Financial Consulting EU
The sustainability and ecological transition processes carried out by companies benefit from huge funds allocated by various national and European institutions. Particularly important are the Next Generation EU (PNRR), which makes 70 billion available to Italy in 7 years, and the tenders in favor of companies involved in the green transition issued by MISE (Italian Ministry of Economic Development), Regions and Chambers of Commerce. Sustenia collaborates with consultants who monitor tenders based on clients’ needs, assisting companies in the planning phase.
Sustainability Report
An important part of a company’s sustainable path is the Sustainability Report, which tells stakeholders about the environmental, social and governance objectives integrated with the business plan. Sustenia considers the Report as a photograph along a dynamic path and is able to implement it with its internal staff and a network of highly experienced technicians.